function graph() { Highcharts.dateFormats = { W : function(timestamp) { var date = new Date(timestamp), day = date.getUTCDay() == 0 ? 7 : date.getUTCDay(), dayNumber; date.setDate(date.getUTCDate() + 4 - day); dayNumber = Math.floor((date.getTime() - new Date(date.getUTCFullYear(), 0, 1, -6)) / 86400000); return 1 + Math.floor(dayNumber / 7); } } var codes = ""; codes += '
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" + + ": " + point.y + unit + ""; } }); return s; } }, plotOptions : { series : { marker : { radius : 0, states : { hover : { enabled : true } } } }, spline : { lineWidth : 1.5, shadow : false, cursor : "pointer", states : { hover : { enabled : false } } } }, series : one_Options }); l = 0; $.each(two_names, function(l, name) { if (name == "Pressione") parameter = "barometer"; if (name == "Umidità") parameter = "outHumidity"; $.getJSON('data/' + php + '?station=' + jstation + '¶mtr=' + parameter + '&callback=?', function(data) { two_Options[l] = { name : name, data : data, yAxis : l }; // As we're loading the data asynchronously, we don't know what order it will arrive. So // we keep a counter and create the chart when all the data is loaded. two_Counter += 1; if (two_Counter === two_names.length) { two_Chart(); } }); }); } function two_Chart() { var two_Chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart : { spacingTop : 5, spacingBottom : 10, height : 190, renderTo : 'ttwo_', defaultSeriesType : "spline", backgroundColor : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)', style : { fontFamily : '"Roboto",sans-serif', fontSize : '11px' } }, colors : ['#228B22', '#4682B4'], credits : { enabled : false }, title : { text : '' }, legend : { borderWidth : 0, align : 'center', verticalAlign : 'top', rtl : true }, yAxis : [{ lineWidth : 2, tickPixelInterval : 30, offset : 0, title : { text : "hPa", rotation : 0, align : "high", offset : 0, x : -10, y : -20, style : yTitles }, labels : { align : "right", x : -7, y : -5, style : yLabelsBaro } }, { tickPixelInterval : 30, min : 0, max : 100, offset : 0, title : { text : "%", rotation : 0, align : "high", offset : 0, x : 15, y : -20, style : yTitles }, labels : { align : "left", x : 5, y : -5, style : yLabels } }], xAxis : { type : 'datetime' }, tooltip : { backgroundColor : "#A2D959", borderColor : "#fff", borderRadius : 3, borderWidth : 0, shared : true, crosshairs : { width : 0.5, color : "#666" }, style : { lineHeight : "16px", fontSize : "10px", color : "#000" }, formatter : function() { var s = Highcharts.dateFormat(datform, this.x); $.each(this.points, function(i, point) { var unit = { "Umidità": "%", "Pressione": " hPa" }[]; if ( != " ") { s += "
" + + ": " + point.y + unit + ""; } }); return s; } }, plotOptions : { series : { marker : { radius : 0, states : { hover : { enabled : true } } } }, spline : { lineWidth : 1.5, shadow : false, cursor : "pointer", states : { hover : { enabled : false } } } }, series : two_Options }); l = 0; $.each(tree_names, function(l, name) { if (name == "Vento") parameter = "windSpeed"; if (name == "Raffica") parameter = "windGust"; $.getJSON('data/' + php + '?station=' + jstation + '¶mtr=' + parameter + '&callback=?', function(data) { tree_Options[l] = { name : name, data : data }; // As we're loading the data asynchronously, we don't know what order it will arrive. So // we keep a counter and create the chart when all the data is loaded. tree_Counter += 1; if (tree_Counter === tree_names.length) { tree_Chart(); } }); }); } function tree_Chart() { var tree_Chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart : { spacingTop : 5, spacingBottom : 10, height : 190, renderTo : 'ttree_', defaultSeriesType : "spline", backgroundColor : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)', style : { fontFamily : '"Roboto",sans-serif', fontSize : '11px' } }, colors : ['#000000', '#A52A2A'], credits : { enabled : false }, title : { text : '' }, legend : { borderWidth : 0, align : 'center', verticalAlign : 'top', rtl : true }, yAxis : { lineWidth : 2, tickPixelInterval : 30, offset : 0, title : { text : "km/h", rotation : 0, align : "high", offset : 0, x : -10, y : -20, style : yTitles }, labels : { align : "right", x : -7, y : -5, style : yLabelsTemp } }, xAxis : { type : 'datetime' }, tooltip : { backgroundColor : "#A2D959", borderColor : "#fff", borderRadius : 3, borderWidth : 0, shared : true, crosshairs : { width : 0.5, color : "#666" }, style : { lineHeight : "16px", fontSize : "10px", color : "#000" }, formatter : function() { var s = Highcharts.dateFormat(datform, this.x); $.each(this.points, function(i, point) { var unit = { "Vento": " km/h", "Raffica": " km/h" }[]; if ( != " ") { s += "
" + + ": " + point.y + unit + ""; } }); return s; } }, plotOptions : { series : { marker : { radius : 0, states : { hover : { enabled : true } } } }, spline : { lineWidth : 1.5, shadow : false, cursor : "pointer", states : { hover : { enabled : false } } } }, series : tree_Options }); l = 0; $.each(four_names, function(l, name) { if (name == "Direzione del vento") parameter = "windDir"; $.getJSON('data/' + php + '?station=' + jstation + '¶mtr=' + parameter + '&callback=?', function(data) { four_Options[l] = { name : name, data : data }; // As we're loading the data asynchronously, we don't know what order it will arrive. So // we keep a counter and create the chart when all the data is loaded. four_Counter += 1; if (four_Counter === four_names.length) { four_Chart(); } }); }); } function four_Chart() { var four_Chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart : { spacingTop : 5, spacingBottom : 10, height : 190, renderTo : 'ffour_', defaultSeriesType : "scatter", backgroundColor : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)', style : { fontFamily : '"Roboto",sans-serif', fontSize : '11px' } }, colors : ['#4682B4'], credits : { enabled : false }, title : { text : '' }, legend : { borderWidth : 0, align : 'center', verticalAlign : 'top', rtl : true }, yAxis : { min : 0, max : 360, tickInterval : 90, labels : { format : '{value}°', align : "right", x : -7, y : -5, style : yLabelsTemp }, title : { text : null }, }, xAxis : { type : 'datetime' }, plotOptions : { scatter : { marker : { radius : 1.5, }, tooltip : { headerFormat : '{point.key:%d %b %H:%M}
', pointFormat : 'Direzione: {point.y}°' } }, }, series : four_Options }); l = 0; $.each(five_names, function(l, name) { if (name == "Pioggia") { parameter = "rain"; } $.getJSON('data/' + php + '?station=' + jstation + '¶mtr=' + parameter + '&callback=?', function(data) { five_Options[l] = { name : name, data : data }; // As we're loading the data asynchronously, we don't know what order it will arrive. So // we keep a counter and create the chart when all the data is loaded. five_Counter += 1; if (five_Counter === five_names.length) { maxrain = 0; $.each(five_Options[0].data, function(i) { if (five_Options[0].data[i][1] > maxrain) maxrain = five_Options[0].data[i][1]; i++; }); maxrain = Math.ceil(maxrain); if (maxrain == 0) { maxrain += 5 }; five_Chart(); } }); }); } function five_Chart() { var five_Chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart : { spacingTop : 5, spacingBottom : 10, height : 190, renderTo : 'ffive_', defaultSeriesType : "column", backgroundColor : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)', style : { fontFamily : '"Roboto",sans-serif', fontSize : '11px' } }, colors : ['#00BFFF'], credits : { enabled : false }, title : { text : '' }, legend : { borderWidth : 0, align : 'center', verticalAlign : 'top', rtl : true }, yAxis : { lineWidth : 2, tickPixelInterval : 30, offset : 0, min : 0, max : maxrain, title : { text : "mm", rotation : 0, align : "high", offset : 0, x : -10, y : -20, style : yTitles }, labels : { align : "right", x : -7, y : -5, style : yLabelsTemp } }, xAxis : { type : 'datetime' }, tooltip : { followTouchMove : false, backgroundColor : "#A2D959", borderColor : "#fff", borderRadius : 3, borderWidth : 0, shared : true, crosshairs : { width : 0.5, color : "#666" }, style : { lineHeight : "16px", fontSize : "10px", color : "#000" }, formatter : function() { var s = Highcharts.dateFormat(datformm, this.x); $.each(this.points, function(i, point) { var unit = { "Pioggia": " mm" }[]; if ( != " ") { s += "
" + + ": " + point.y + unit + ""; } }); return s; } }, plotOptions : { column : { pointWidth : 10, borderWidth : 0.5 } }, series : five_Options, }); l = 0; $.each(six_names, function(l, name) { if (name == "RainRate") { parameter = "rainRate"; } $.getJSON('data/' + php + '?station=' + jstation + '¶mtr=' + parameter + '&callback=?', function(data) { six_Options[l] = { name : name, data : data }; // As we're loading the data asynchronously, we don't know what order it will arrive. So // we keep a counter and create the chart when all the data is loaded. six_Counter += 1; if (six_Counter === six_names.length) { maxrainrate = 0; $.each(six_Options[0].data, function(i) { if (six_Options[0].data[i][1] > maxrainrate) maxrainrate = six_Options[0].data[i][1]; i++; }); maxrain = Math.ceil(maxrainrate); if (maxrainrate == 0) { maxrainrate += 5 }; six_Chart(); } }); }); } function six_Chart() { var six_Chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart : { spacingTop : 5, spacingBottom : 10, height : 190, renderTo : 'ssix_', defaultSeriesType : "scatter", backgroundColor : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)', style : { fontFamily : '"Roboto",sans-serif', fontSize : '11px' } }, colors : ['#A52A2A'], credits : { enabled : false }, title : { text : '' }, legend : { borderWidth : 0, align : 'center', verticalAlign : 'top', rtl : true }, yAxis : { lineWidth : 2, tickPixelInterval : 30, offset : 0, min : 0, max : maxrainrate, title : { text : "mm/h", rotation : 0, align : "high", offset : 0, x : -10, y : -20, style : yTitles }, labels : { align : "right", x : -7, y : -5, style : yLabelsTemp } }, xAxis : { type : 'datetime' }, plotOptions : { scatter : { marker : { radius : 1.5, }, tooltip : { headerFormat : '{point.key:%d %b %H:%M}
', pointFormat : 'Rate: {point.y} mm/h' } }, }, series : six_Options }); l = 0; $.each(seven_names, function(l, name) { if (name == "Rad. globale") { parameter = "radiation"; } if (name == "Rad.UV") { parameter = "UV"; } $.getJSON('data/' + php + '?station=' + jstation + '¶mtr=' + parameter + '&callback=?', function(data) { seven_Options[l] = { name : name, data : data, yAxis : l }; // As we're loading the data asynchronously, we don't know what order it will arrive. So // we keep a counter and create the chart when all the data is loaded. seven_Counter += 1; if (seven_Counter === seven_names.length) { if (seven_Counter == 2) { seven_Chart_bis(); } else { if (seven_Options[0].name == "Rad. globale") { seven_Chart('#FFA500', 'W/m²', yLabelsSol); } else { seven_Chart('#640c64', 'idx', yLabelsUV); } } } }); }); } function seven_Chart(aa, bb, cc) { var seven_Chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart : { spacingTop : 5, spacingBottom : 10, height : 190, renderTo : 'sseven_', defaultSeriesType : "spline", backgroundColor : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)', style : { fontFamily : '"Roboto",sans-serif', fontSize : '11px' } }, colors : [aa], credits : { enabled : false }, title : { text : '' }, legend : { borderWidth : 0, align : 'center', verticalAlign : 'top', rtl : true }, yAxis : { lineWidth : 2, tickPixelInterval : 30, min : 0, offset : 0, title : { text : bb, rotation : 0, align : "high", offset : 0, x : -10, y : -20, style : yTitles }, labels : { align : "right", x : -7, y : -5, style : cc } }, xAxis : { type : 'datetime' }, tooltip : { backgroundColor : "#A2D959", borderColor : "#fff", borderRadius : 3, borderWidth : 0, shared : true, crosshairs : { width : 0.5, color : "#666" }, style : { lineHeight : "16px", fontSize : "10px", color : "#000" }, formatter : function() { var s = Highcharts.dateFormat(datform, this.x); $.each(this.points, function(i, point) { var unit = { "Rad. globale": " W/m²", "Rad.UV": " index" }[]; if ( != " ") { s += "
" + + ": " + point.y + unit + ""; } }); return s; } }, plotOptions : { series : { marker : { radius : 0, states : { hover : { enabled : true } } } }, spline : { lineWidth : 1.5, shadow : false, cursor : "pointer", states : { hover : { enabled : false } } } }, series : seven_Options }); l = 0; $.each(eight_names, function(l, name) { if (name == "Evapotraspirazione") { parameter = "ET"; } $.getJSON('data/' + php + '?station=' + jstation + '¶mtr=' + parameter + '&callback=?', function(data) { eight_Options[l] = { name : name, data : data }; // As we're loading the data asynchronously, we don't know what order it will arrive. So // we keep a counter and create the chart when all the data is loaded. eight_Counter += 1; if (eight_Counter === eight_names.length) { eight_Chart(); } }); }); } function seven_Chart_bis() { var seven_Chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart : { spacingTop : 5, spacingBottom : 10, height : 190, renderTo : 'sseven_', defaultSeriesType : "spline", backgroundColor : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)', style : { fontFamily : '"Roboto",sans-serif', fontSize : '11px' } }, colors : ['#FFA500', '#640c64'], credits : { enabled : false }, title : { text : '' }, legend : { borderWidth : 0, align : 'center', verticalAlign : 'top', rtl : true }, yAxis : [{ tickPixelInterval : 30, min : 0, offset : 0, title : { text : "W/m²", rotation : 0, align : "high", offset : 0, x : 25, y : -20, style : yTitles }, labels : { align : "left", x : 5, y : -5, style : yLabelsSol } }, { lineWidth : 2, tickPixelInterval : 30, min : 0, max : 12, offset : 0, title : { text : "idx", rotation : 0, align : "high", offset : 0, x : -10, y : -20, style : yTitles }, labels : { align : "right", x : -7, y : -5, style : yLabelsUV } }], xAxis : { type : 'datetime' }, tooltip : { backgroundColor : "#A2D959", borderColor : "#fff", borderRadius : 3, borderWidth : 0, shared : true, crosshairs : { width : 0.5, color : "#666" }, style : { lineHeight : "16px", fontSize : "10px", color : "#000" }, formatter : function() { var s = Highcharts.dateFormat(datform, this.x); $.each(this.points, function(i, point) { var unit = { "Rad. globale": " W/m²", "Rad.UV": " index" }[]; if ( != " ") { s += "
" + + ": " + point.y + unit + ""; } }); return s; } }, plotOptions : { series : { marker : { radius : 0, states : { hover : { enabled : true } } } }, spline : { lineWidth : 1.5, shadow : false, cursor : "pointer", states : { hover : { enabled : false } } } }, series : seven_Options }); l = 0; $.each(eight_names, function(l, name) { if (name == "Evapotraspirazione") { parameter = "ET"; } $.getJSON('data/' + php + '?station=' + jstation + '¶mtr=' + parameter + '&callback=?', function(data) { eight_Options[l] = { name : name, data : data }; // As we're loading the data asynchronously, we don't know what order it will arrive. So // we keep a counter and create the chart when all the data is loaded. eight_Counter += 1; if (eight_Counter === eight_names.length) { eight_Chart(); } }); }); } function eight_Chart() { var eight_Chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart : { spacingTop : 5, spacingBottom : 10, height : 190, renderTo : 'eeight_', defaultSeriesType : "column", backgroundColor : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)', style : { fontFamily : '"Roboto",sans-serif', fontSize : '11px' } }, colors : ['#00BFFF'], credits : { enabled : false }, title : { text : '' }, legend : { borderWidth : 0, align : 'center', verticalAlign : 'top', rtl : true }, yAxis : { lineWidth : 2, tickPixelInterval : 30, offset : 0, min : 0, title : { text : "mm", rotation : 0, align : "high", offset : 0, x : -10, y : -20, style : yTitles }, labels : { align : "right", x : -7, y : -5, style : yLabelsTemp } }, xAxis : { type : 'datetime' }, tooltip : { backgroundColor : "#A2D959", borderColor : "#fff", borderRadius : 3, borderWidth : 0, shared : true, crosshairs : { width : 0.5, color : "#666" }, style : { lineHeight : "16px", fontSize : "10px", color : "#000" }, formatter : function() { var s = Highcharts.dateFormat(datformm, this.x); $.each(this.points, function(i, point) { var unit = { "Evapotraspirazione": " mm" }[]; if ( != " ") { s += "
" + + ": " + point.y + unit + ""; } }); return s; } }, plotOptions : { column : { pointWidth : 10, borderWidth : 0.5 } }, series : eight_Options }); } }